
Let’s Talk February Goals: Inspiration + Ideas

Setting Intentions for a Meaningful February

Yesterday, I shared my full February page reveal video, and I hope you’re feeling inspired to start the month strong! Today, I’m diving deeper into one of my favorite parts of the journal: the February goals and intentions spread.

This is where I map out monthly challenges, intentions, and habits, all while keeping it visually inspiring and flexible.

February can feel like a tricky month—short, cold, and often a little dreary—so my goals this month are focused on balance, creativity, and connection (with a little bit of Valentines, too, because ‘tis the season).

Here’s a look at what’s inside my February feature spread:

This + That List

Inspired by the idea of balance, this list pairs “best practices” with meaningful personal practices. For example:

  • Hitting a protein quota + Sharing a meal together

  • Time blocking + Being open to spontaneity

  • Lifting weights + Lifting others

This section is a visual reminder to help me keep perspective. I want to reap the benefits of best practices, but I also want to remember that not everything good about life fits “the rules.”

Be the Change Valentines

Instead of traditional Valentine’s Day plans, this year I’m focusing on small actions to support healing, growth, giving, and advocacy. From offering a kind word to delivering soup, this section is my reminder to show love and care for others in meaningful ways. I’ll talk more about this in future emails, so stay tuned!

February Mood Boosters

February is often tough for my mental health, so I’ve created a list of simple, creative activities to lift my spirits when needed. Ideas include visiting a bookstore, knitting, baking, and dressing up to brighten my day.

Winter Glow-Up

Divided into “inner glow” and “outer glow” categories, this section is all about counteracting the winter blues. From daily hydration and extra moisturizer to prayer and smiling more, these small habits will make me feel more refreshed and energized.

Make It Your Own:

Here are some ways to adapt these ideas for your own February journal:

  • Cultivate Perspective with a “This + That” List: Reflect on areas where you can balance expert advice with personal values. Use categories like health, time, or relationships to make it work for you.

  • Spread Love with Intentional Actions: Dedicate space in your journal to small, meaningful ways to show care for others this month. Whether it’s a kind note or a small gift, let your journal remind you to look outward.

  • Build a Mood-Booster List: What activities inspire or comfort you during winter? List them in your journal, and challenge yourself to check off a few when you need a lift.

  • Glow-Up Your Month: Create a list of habits that make you feel good, inside and out. These could be physical practices like drinking more water or spiritual ones like daily gratitude.

Looking Ahead:

As we move through February, I’ll be checking in to see how your goals and intentions are unfolding and sharing tips for recalibrating if needed. And, of course, there’s more bullet journaling content on the way to keep us all inspired!

Here’s to making February a month of balance, creativity, and connection.

Cheers! ~Steph